What a day. What a day. Happy Fourth, everyone. Kim and I are doing a bunch of nothing today. She’s at work and I’m at home. We’re hoping to meet up with Eric and Jenn, once Kim gets out of work, but haven’t been able to get a hold of them yet. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the day by basking in the after-glow of the Red Sox win over the Yanks last night, today’s “Law & Order” marathon, and the “Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Championship.” Oh, and the Sox are back on with a 1:05pm game against the Yanks. Who needs fireworks, right?
As for the pics, I’ve included the back cover of the Daily News for today, replete with the headline “Red, White & Boo.” There are also some pics from the hot dog eating contest. This year’s was a real gem. At the end of the ten-minute regulation period, the top two contestants, Kobayashi and Chestnut, were tied at 59 hot dogs, apiece. According to the commentators, those two "attack those dogs the way Lindsay Lohan attacks a minibar." As a result of the tie, for the first time in the 92-year-history of the contest, they had to go to a “5 dog eat-off!” Chestnut victoriously defended his Yellow Mustard Belt. Imagine when that’s all digested; talk about fireworks?!?
Finally, there's a quick video of one of the most unbelieveable things I've ever seen. With the Red Sox down 3-1 in the top of the 3rd inning, Kevin Youkilis blasted one to left field. Johnny Damon chased it back to the wall and went up for it. The ball landed in his glove and carried into the top of the wall. At that point, the ball popped out of the glove and landed atop the wall. Eventually, the ball came back into play, the Sox scored two runs (to tie the game), and Damon left the game with an injury to his left arm. I've never seen anything like that. If it'd fallen over the other way, out of the park, it would have counted as a homerun. If a fan had picked it off the wall, who knows?
Anyways, enjoy the Fourth!
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